Google Calendar 谷歌日历
Note:If there's any inquiry, email to or contact any volunteers from Technology Team of MiaoHui.
备注:如有何疑问,欢迎电邮到 或询问槟城庙会科技组的组员。
电脑 - 如何添加活动到谷歌日历并寄给组员们:
Computer - How to add Event in Google Calendar and send the event to team members:
1. 打开谷歌日历 Open Google Calendar:
2. 按 "+创建" 按钮 Press the "+Create" button
3. 按 "更多选项" 按钮 Press the "More options" button
4. 输入以下资料 Input the following details:
Title: 活动标题 Event Name
Time 时间: 活动时间 Event Time
Add Location: 活动地点 Event Location (可以方便参与者导航)
Add Conferencing: 如果是网上会议,请按“Add Conferencing”选项就会有Hangout。If you're organizing online/remote meeting, please select "add conference",the option will then pop out a Hangout Link.
Add Notification: 可以利用电邮或推送通知自动提醒各位出席者(请勿放太多提醒)To automatically send notification via email/push notification to the attendee (Make sure not to add too many).
领导层请选择"Calendar PGCNY 槟城庙会日历表"。其他志工可以选择其中一个自己的日历。For central committee, select "Calendar PGCNY 槟城庙会日历表". For all other volunteers, you can select your own calendar.
Add Description: 可以添增活动内容 ( You can add event details in the description. (optional)
如果你要让庙会志工在我们的庙会志工网站看到此项活动的话,请Add Guest, 然后填入即可。
If you wish to make this event visible to all volunteers in Miao Hui, click"Add Guests" and input the email
如果你想邀请某庙会单位出席此项活动请Add Guests, 再输入组别Google Groups。例子:邀请科技组,Add Guests里多输入 (查看组别Google Groups)
If you wish to invite Any groups or Units for your event, select "Add Guests" and input additional Google Group Email of that particular group. (Group email listed here). For example: Inviting Technology Unit of PGCNY, input on the Add Guests section.
*领导层可以发放活动至全体志工(如果非领导层需要此权力麻烦联络领导层或科技组。Central Committee will have the rights to send the event notification to all volunteers by the email If you need the right to send your event to all volunteers, please contact Tech Team or Central Committee.
4. 按"Save"及"Send Notification"/"Yes". Press "Save“ and ”Send Notification" / "Yes".
手机 - 如何添加活动到谷歌日历并寄给组员们:
Mobile Phone/Tablet - How to add Event in Google Calendar and send the event to team members:
1. 打开谷歌日历软件 Open Google Calendar Apps.
2. 按右下方的 "+" 按钮。 Press the "+" button located on bottom right.
3. 输入以下资料 Input the following details:
Title: 活动标题 Event Name
领导层请选择"Calendar PGCNY 槟城庙会日历表"。其他志工可以选择其中一个自己的日历。For central committee, select "Calendar PGCNY 槟城庙会日历表". For all other volunteers, you can select your own calendar.
Time 时间: 活动时间 Event Time
Add People:
如果你要让庙会志工在我们的庙会志工网站看到此项活动的话,请Add Guest, 然后填入即可。
If you wish to make this event visible to all volunteers in Miao Hui, click"Add Guests" and input the email
如果你想邀请某庙会单位出席此项活动请Add Guests, 再输入组别Google Groups。例子:邀请科技组,Add Guests里多输入 (查看组别Google Groups)
If you wish to invite Any groups or Units for your event, select "Add Guests" and input additional Google Group Email of that particular group. (Group email listed here). For example: Inviting Technology Unit of PGCNY, input on the Add Guests section.
*领导层可以发放活动至全体志工(如果非领导层需要此权力麻烦联络领导层或科技组。Central Committee will have the rights to send the event notification to all volunteers by the email If you need the right to send your event to all volunteers, please contact Tech Team or Central Committee.
Add Location: 活动地点 Event Location (可以方便参与者导航)
Add Notification: 可以利用电邮或推送通知自动提醒各位出席者(请勿放太多提醒)To automatically send notification via email/push notification to the attendee (Make sure not to add too many).
Add Description: 可以添增活动内容 ( You can add event details in the description. (optional)
Add Conferencing: 如果是网上会议,请按“Add Conferencing”选项就会有Hangout。If you're organizing online/remote meeting, please select "add conference",the option will then pop out a Hangout Link.
4. 按"Save"及"Send Notification"/"Yes". Press "Save“ and ”Send Notification" / "Yes".